Saturday, October 4, 2008

Hockey Mom -- Schmocky Mom

If  I hear Sarah Palin say one more time she's a Hockey Mom, I think I will hockey.  Nothing against Hockey Moms -- some of my dear friends are Hockey Moms, ha ha.  I'm just saying this: how is Sarah Palin a Hockey Mom and a governor as well?   From the little I've heard about kids playing hockey, it's a pretty time-intensive activity on the parents' part.  How is she able to have an important career as well as being a Hockey Mom, not to mention, wife and mother?   Give me  a break.   Don't patronize me.   I'm not buying it.  

And other thing, if the Republicans think women are so stupid to vote their ticket simply by slapping a female up there, couldn't they have found someone better than her?  Surely, there are oodles of intelligent, experienced Republican woman that would make a better candidate and potential future vice-president.  

I will say, I kind of wish she could (without McCain winning) stick around for entertainment value.   Watching her debate was almost indistinguishable from watching Tina Fey's impression of her on Saturday Night Live.   Hearing the childish, gobbledy-gook, circular thinking that she spouts is VERY ENTERTAINING.  Oh, wait a minute, we've had plenty of that the last eight years; maybe enough is enough.  I'll watch Family Guy and reality television for my guilty pleasure.  

1 comment:

Cagey said...

Yeah yeah just a regular American just like me. I don't want someone like me running this country. I want someone smarter than me! Not some yuk yuk like the one we've had for the past 8 years. Know what I'm saying?